Sam For Giving
Help the displaced families

We are a small family made from a group of friends; Sami, Douna, Siwar, Hiba, Farah, Nour.
Based in 2020, helping more than 50 families with food, housing, medicine, hospital and children supplies.
We work very hard to help our community.
Today, we are working heartfully for the displaced families, helping them go through this difficult time. Our initial focus is to gather mattresses, blankets, pillows, and essential food products.

Hand in hand, we will build this country together.

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Informations fiscalité
Le don à "Moubadarit Sam" n'ouvre pas droit à une réduction fiscale en France car il ne remplit les conditions générales prévues aux articles 200 et 238 bis du code général des impôts Français.