Lymphoma Fundraise
Cancer won't wait Save Rony's Life

Rony Chakhtoura is a young musician and conductor of the National Symphonic band of LeBAM.

Rony's life changed in an instant when he received his lymphoma diagnosis. Suddenly, his plans for the future, both personally and professionally, were put on hold. He had one focus now: Fight this cancer and get back to his life with his wife and two children.

Rony's fight requires a second round of treatment following an unsuccessful one, with a total cost of $50-70k covering chemotherapy and an autologous bone marrow transplant.

Any contribution you can make, big or small, will be a step towards his recovery.

You never understand the importance of supporting others until you find yourself needing it.

By donating to Rony's Just help campaign , you're helping a 38-year old man and showing love and solidarity.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your compassion and support.

The LeBAM family.

LeBAM, The Lebanese Band Association for the promotion of Music, is a Lebanese NGO that teaches music for free and organises muscians in bands to promote music for free. It is the musical family that is now seeking financial assistance for its young conductor Rony.

Donnez un coup de pouce à LeBAM en partageant leur action.

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Informations fiscalité
Le don à "LeBAM " n'ouvre pas droit à une réduction fiscale en France car il ne remplit les conditions générales prévues aux articles 200 et 238 bis du code général des impôts Français.