Send Your Love - Christmas Campaign
Stand with Lebanese Families

This year, as each year in this period, join Send Your Love in bringing hope and relief to families in Lebanon who are facing extreme hardship. As the holiday season approaches, Send Your Love Christmas Campaign: Support Families in Lebanon

This year, as each year in this period, join Send Your Love in bringing hope and relief to families in Lebanon who are facing extreme hardship. As the holiday season approaches, many are struggling to provide for their children and stay warm during the winter, especially this year.
Part of the families we support had to flee their houses due to the ongoing war.
With your help, we can deliver essential supplies and life-saving support and make a real difference in their lives.

Through your generous donations, we will provide:

• Food Supply Boxes: Filled with essential groceries to nourish families through the holidays and beyond.
• Kits for Kids: Offering milk, hygiene products, and toys to bring joy and comfort to children who need it most.
• Cold Weather Kits: Including blankets, warm clothing, and heating supplies to help families face the winter months.

This Christmas, give the gift of hope. Help us spread love and warmth by supporting those in need. Together, we can make sure that no family is forgotten during the holiday season.

Donate now through Send Your Love and make this season brighter for families in Lebanon.

With love,
The Send Your Love family

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Informations fiscalité
Le don à "Send Your Love" ouvre droit à une réduction fiscale en France car il remplit les conditions générales prévues aux articles 200 et 238 bis du code général des impôts Français.
Particulier : vous pouvez réduire 66% de votre don dans la limite de 20% de votre revenu imposable.
Organisme / Entreprise
Entreprise : l'ensemble des versements à "Send Your Love" permet de bénéficier d'une réduction d'impôt sur les sociétés de 60% du montant de ces versements, pris dans la limite de 5 / 1000 du C.A. H.T. de l'entreprise. Au delà de 5 / 1000 ou en cas d'exercice déficitaire, l'excédent est erportable.