Health and Environment Response Agency - HERA
Together for a Healthier Future

The Health and Environment Response Agency (HERA) is a Lebanese NGO focusing on the health and well-being of individuals and the environment surrounding them. Its main goal is to assess the human health risk of environmental exposures, communicate about the risk, and promote healthy living in a clean environment.

In light of the escalating situation in Lebanon and as a local Lebanese NGO working to protect individuals from environmental hazards and their health effects, it is HERA’s duty to extend the support at this critical time and to share the resources and the expertise needed.

By combining immediate humanitarian aid with long-term environmental sustainability and resilience, HERA aims to mitigate the public health and environmental impacts of conflict and promote community recovery and empowerment.

Till now, we were able to cover all the costs related to our awareness and educational activities, as well as providing hygiene kits to IDPs in Mount Lebanon area.
Your support would be of great value as it will allow us to expand our commitment and service in our community.

Donnez un coup de pouce à Health and Environment Response Agency HERA en partageant leur action.

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Teddy S.
Elissa K.
Aline H.
Informations fiscalité
Le don à "Health and Environment Response Agency HERA" ouvre droit à une réduction fiscale en France car il remplit les conditions générales prévues aux articles 200 et 238 bis du code général des impôts Français.
Particulier : vous pouvez réduire 66% de votre don dans la limite de 20% de votre revenu imposable.
Organisme / Entreprise
Entreprise : l'ensemble des versements à "Health and Environment Response Agency HERA" permet de bénéficier d'une réduction d'impôt sur les sociétés de 60% du montant de ces versements, pris dans la limite de 5 / 1000 du C.A. H.T. de l'entreprise. Au delà de 5 / 1000 ou en cas d'exercice déficitaire, l'excédent est erportable.